Tuesday, May 22, 2012


When it comes to relationships, I deal with the same obstacles and issues as any other woman out there. A couple years ago, I dated a guy named Ramon. He and I really liked one another and things were really good. We did a lot together, such as go on out of town trips with People First and go to dances together. After eight or so months I broke it off with him, because at the time, I had alot going on and I felt overwelmed. He didn't do anything wrong, but I guess I wasn't ready for anything serious with a good guy. A few months later, I started dating someone else. We were together for about a year and a half.  Throughout that time, I was NOT very impressed. Have you ever been with or been around someone who has so many excuses for so many things? I've never met anyone with so many excuses. It was so diffacult to be with someone with such a negative energy that it reflected on me. Because of that, I knew we wern't going to have a future together as anything more than just friends. Throughout my time with this person, I kept thinking about Ramon, where he was and what he was doing. A year or so later, Ramon and I started talking again. I have realized that I let a good thing go. We started talking recently and those butterfly feelings came rushing back. I have learned that in relationships, when you develop those strong feelings, don't run away from them. Those types of feelings are hard to come by with the right person. 

Share your relationship advice or stories in the comments below.


  1. I know what you mean Jess, those relationships are very few. I had two, the first I was young and stupid and I ingage to someone else we got maried and I let the other get away, and the one that I let get away cared about me and she even had my oldest son. The other was kim. But though everything that we both went through we remained friends and now look. God works his way.

    1. Well, hopefully things will work out the way they should..... :)
