Friday, July 27, 2012

Keeping Faith!

God is a major influence in life. I have always belived in God and his faith, but I've had my dark times too. I struggle in understanding why he wants me the way I am. I've had this thinking that if I didn't have this disabilty, my life would be better. I've been really focusing on God's will and what he has for me. Especially, for the last 10 years, I've been struggling with my goals and everyday life. I have overcome a lot, but my mind set is that I want more out of life. When I say more, I mean doing things that most people take for granted, such as not being in daily pain, being able to get up on Sunday mornings and go to church and so on and so forth. Though I do go though this, somehow, I still have faith enough to go farward and hope that God has a way to take away my pain. It's been a slow time coming, but next friday I'm seeing the orthepedic about my hip. With my faith in God, I hope something positive comes out of this visit.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cutting Ties!

You know how there are people in your life, like an ex boyfriend, who you just don't want to deal with anymore? Their negativity can be overpowering and bring you down. I was with someone for a year or so, but it wasn't a lovey dovey kind of relationship. I guess I was with him because I didn't want to be alone. Throughout the time, I was not happy. He has a child with a disability and you would think he would be a tad bit more sensitive about the comments he says. He not only would say things about my disability and my wheelchair, but he would also make comments about his son. He made it sound like his son was a burden to him. I feel that he has many issues with himself that he feels like he has to put others down to make himself feel better. I saw him yesterday and I was not impressed. I have come to a place where instead of being with someone I don't mesh with, I'd rather be by myself until I find someone who will accept for who I am, along with my flaws. I would like to find someone who I can have conversations with and basically be myself without being criticized.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sharing Something with You.

For the last few months, I've been working on short stories for children. I wanted to share with you one of my stories. My aspiration for these stories is to share them with children so they can learn the acceptance of other people. I feel if they are taught at a young age how to accept people and their differences, they will be more likely to accept people for who they are.     Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

Sadie Reaches the Top:

*There was a clown named Sadie. She loved going to the circus to watch the many circus acts.  She knew she was different, but she still wanted to join to be a part of something.  She joined the team to be a part of the high wire act. She had to practice a lot to get it right. The other clowns teased her and told her she wouldn’t be able to do it, because she was smaller than they were. Her feelings were hurt a little, but she wanted to prove them wrong. When it was time for the show, Sadie got on the high wire and showed everyone her ability to perform her stunts. The other clowns were amazed at what she had done, because they were afraid of heights. Even though Sadie was small, she was still able to perform the high wire act  and amaze the audience and the other clowns.  Story of acceptance. Pushes through and works hard.

Friday, July 6, 2012

In Slow Progress

For the longest time, I have been dealing with a lot of pain in my left hip. I've been to orthopedic doctors before, but they gave me options I wasn't comfortable with. I also get cortizone shots every six months, but those only last a month, two months at the most.  I went to an orthopedic yesterday with my surrogate Dad and my friend, Andrea, for moral support. The doctor showed us my x-rays and he told us that I'm a special case, because it's rare that he sees cases such as mine. He referred me to an orthopedic in a city a couple hours away. I have yet to see him, but I hope and pray that there is something that can be done to where I'm not hurting all the time. That would be a dream com true.