About three or four months ago, my best friend Janell called me and left a messege saying that she had just gotten tickets for October to go see county music singer, Josh Turner. I was so excited, because we both love him and adore the way he sings. After waiting and waiting, the night finally came last night. Janell and her mom, Janet, came over and picked me up and then we went to pick up Janell's sister, Joy. From there, we went to the FOX theater and found a good parking space and went in and found our seats. We had pretty good seats. We sat in row 11, so we had a good view of the stage.We were there for about thirty to forty minutes until things actually got started. When it did actually start, new country music singer, Caitlin Linney came out first and sang a few of her songs. She was alright, but we wanted to see Josh. When he finally came out, it was great. The concert lasted about two hours and it was really fun to be there. He sang a lot of songs, including Long Black Train, Time is Love and many others. All in all, it was a very nice time. Not only did I get to see one of my favorite singers, but I got to spend some quality time with good friends.

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