Friday, June 29, 2012

Learning Who's Trustworthy

How do you know when people are your true friend? To me, when you become friends with somebody, I think that is a great gift and it means a lot. You are always there for each other and have each other's back when things get rough. This week, I learned a lesson from someone who I thought wanted to rekindle a friendship, but it didn't turn out in a positive way. It's kind of funny, because she took offense to a Facebook post I had written about friendship. It wasn't a big deal or anything, but she started to write negative things about me on her page. I responded, "really? seriously?" She began attacking me through facebook, where she used a lot of profane words towards me where my mutual friends could easily read them. Instead of viewing other comments she had, I just deleted her quickly and took care of eliminating worthless negativity. As I spoke with her on the phone a week prior, I heard a voice in my head saying, "don't trust her." Even though I had that little ounce of hope, that voice was right. Even though you may know someone for a long time, you may not know their true intentions. They may turn on you in a heartbeat. I've learned to be cautious of who I let in my life. Even though there are people who can't be trusted, I still have a few friends that still stick with me through the good and the bad. I thank them for being my true friend.

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Look

I just updated my blog and changed the appearance to better reflect who I am. I come from the desert and considered a desert rat. I've always loved the desert. This page is generally for you to read about what I go through on a weekly basis with my struggles. Some days are harder than others but somehow I get through.  Feel free to leave your comments.

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Daily Struggles

I have daily struggles that I face on a day to day basis because of my hip pain. Some of the issues I go through involve having a hard time getting out of bed, tiredness, headaches, and sometimes it makes me not want to do anything or go anywhere. I also use a wheelchair to get around. On top of all of that, I also have to deal with taking public transportaion to get around, which at times, can be the icing on the cake. Most of the time, it's good, but there are times, such as today where I face drivers with a negative attitude. As I was getting on the bus, the driver made a comment to another passenger on how he does not like to take the time to help people in wheelchairs, but I just shook my head. Even though I have these struggles, I get up in the morning and push through to what needs to be done. I have my own personal goals that I want to accomplish. I have a job and I'm working on several different writting projects. I think it's important to stay positive, because it would be so easy for me to say "I give up," but that's not in my vocabulary. I'm  stronger than that and I like being challenged.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Well, another year has come and gone, turning another year older. I don’t mind revealing my age, because I do not feel 35 years old. Honestly, I feel much younger and people think I’m younger than what I am, so it’s all good. Friday morning, I spent  it with three really good people, one being my 2nd Dad, who came in to the room I was in, singing Happy Birthday and told me that now he has two daughters with the same birthday… J  I have to say that I feel really blessed to be like a daughter to this man, because he means the world to me, just like my own Dad and I hope he knows that. I’m very happy where I am right now with all the people I love and adore.  Later on that day, my Mom and Dad came over and we went out for my birthday. We went to Red Lobster, they have such good food there. Along with my Mom and Dad, we had a few other friends with us, my best friend, Janell, our good family friends, Stan, Valerja, Marty and Richard. It all made out to be a good day… 

What kind of things do you do for your birthdays?